- Achira
- Acorn squash
- African violet
- Algaroba
- Aluminum plant
- Alumroot
- American rubber
- Anthericum comosum
- Antirrhinum multiflorum
- Arabian gentian
- Aregelia
- Artillery plant
- Aspidium falcatum
- Aubepine
- Autumn olive
- Bachelors buttons
- Ball fern
- Bamboo
- Bamboo palm
- Bamboo vine
- Banana
- Banana squash
- Begonia species
- Belmore sentry palm
- Big shellbark hickory
- Bitter pecan
- Bitternut
- Black haw
- Black hawthorn
- Blaspheme vine
- Bloodleaf
- Blooming sally
- Bluebottle
- Blue bead
- Blue daisy
- Blue echeveria
- Blue-dicks
- Blue-eyed daisy
- Blunt leaf peperomia
- Blushing bromeliad
- Bold sword fern
- Boston fern
- Bottlebrush
- Bottle Palm
- Brazilian orchid
- Bride's bonnet
- Bristly greenbrier
- Broom hickory
- Brodiaea pulchella
- Butterfly ginger
- Butterfly iris
- Bullbrier
- Bur gourd
- Burro's tail
- Buttercup squash
- Butterfly squash
- Caeroba
- Calathea insignis
- Calthea lancifolia
- California pitcher plant
- Callistemon bradyandrus
- Callistemon viminalis
- Callistemon citrinus
- Calochortus nuttalli
- Camellia
- Canada hemlock
- Canary date palm
- Candle plant
- Candycorn plant
- Canna lily
- Cantebury-bell
- Cape jasmine
- Cape primrose
- Carob
- Carob tree
- Caroba
- Carobinha
- Carolina hemlock
- Carrion flower
- Carrot flower
- Carrot fern
- Casaba melon
- Cast Iron plant
- Cat brier
- Cat ear
- Cattleya labiata
- Celosia globosa
- Celosia plumosa
- Celosia spicata
- Chamaedorean
- Chaparral
- Chenille plant
- Chestnut
- Chicken-gizzard
- Chickens and hens
- Chin-lao-shu
- China aster
- China root
- Chinese plumbago
- Chlorophytum
- Chlorophytum bechetii
- Chocolate soldier
- Christmas dagger
- Christmas palm
- Christmas orchid
- Cinnamon
- Cinquefoil
- Cirrhopetalum
- Clearweed
- Cliff brake
- Cocks comb
- Cocktail orchid
- Collinia elegans
- Color-band
- Columnar
- Common camellia
- Common catbrier
- Common garden canna
- Common greenbrier
- Common snapdragon
- Common staghorn fern
- Confederate jasmine
- Coolwort
- Copperlead
- Copper rose
- Coralardisia
- Coral bells
- Coralberry
- Cornflower
- Crape myrtle
- Crataegus phaenopyrum
- Crataegus spp.
- Creeping charlie
- Creeping gloxinia
- Creeping mahonia
- Creeping pilea
- Creeping rubus
- Creeping zinnia
- Crepe myrtle
- Crimson bottlebush
- Crimson cup
- Crisped feather fern
- Crossandra
- Cucumber
- Cushon aloe
- Cushion moss
- Cyrtudeira reptans
- Dainty
- Dainty rabbits-foot fern
- Dallas fern
- Dancing doll orchid
- Davallia bullata mariessi
- Davallia trichomanoides
- Desert trumpet
- Dichelostemma
- Dichorisandra reginae
- Dinteranthus vanzylii
- Duffii fern
- Duffy fern
- Dwarf date palm
- Dwarf feather fern
- Dwarf palm
- Dwarf Rose-Stripe Star
- Dwarf royal palm
- Dwarf whitman fern
- Earth star
- Easter cattleya
- Easter daisy
- Easter lily cactus
- Easter orchid
- Edible banana
- Elephant-Ear Begonia
- Emerald ripple peperomia
- English hawthorn
- Epidendrum atropurpeum
- Epidendrum ibaguense
- Epidendrum
- Episcia spp.
- False aralia
- Fairy fountain
- Fan tufted palm
- Feather fern
- Feathered amaranth
- Fiery reed orchid
- Fig leaf gourd
- Figleaf palm
- Fingernail plant
- Fire weed
- Fish tail fern
- Flame african violet
- Flame of the woods
- Flame violet
- Florida butter-fly orchid
- Fluffy ruffles
- Forster sentry palm
- Fortunes palm
- Freckle face
- Friendship plant
- Frosty
- Garden marigold
- Garden snapdragon
- German violet
- Gherkins
- Ghost leafless orchid
- Ghost plant
- Giant aster
- Giant holly fern
- Giant white inch plant
- Gibasis geniculata
- Globe thistle
- Gloxinia
- Gold bloom
- Gold-fish plant
- Golden bells
- Golden lace orchid
- Golden shower orchid
- Good luck palm
- Grape hyacinth
- Grape Ivy
- Great willow herb
- Green ripple peperomia
- Greenbrier
- Hagbrier
- Hardy baby tears
- Hardy gloxinia
- Haws
- Haws apple
- Haworthia
- Hawthorn
- Hedgehog gourd
- Hellfetter
- Hemlock tree
- Hen and chickens fern
- Hens and chickens
- Hickory
- Hindu rope plant
- Holligold
- Holly fern
- Hollyhock
- Honey locust
- Honey plant
- Honeydew melons
- Honeysuckle fuchsia
- Hookera pulchella
- Horse brier
- Hoya carnosa 'exotica'
- Hoya carnosa 'krinkle'
- Hoya carnosa 'variegata'
- Hoya 'Mauna Loa'
- Hubbard squash
- Hypocyrta spp.
- Ice plant
- Imbricata sword fern
- Irish moss
- Iron cross begonia
- Iron tree
- Ivy peperomia
- Ivy-leaf peperomia
- Jackson brier
- Jacob's ladder
- Japanese aralia
- Japanese holly fern
- Japanese moss
- Japanese pittosporum
- Jasmine
- Jewel orchid
- Joseph's coat
- Jungle geranium
- Kaempferis
- Kahali ginger
- Kenilworth ivy
- Kentia palm
- Kenya palm
- Kenya violet
- Kharoub
- King nut
- King of the forest
- King and queen fern
- Kuang-yen- pa-hsieh
to Top
- Lace flower vine
- Lace orchid
- Ladies ear drops
- Lady lou
- Lady palm
- Lagerstroemia indica
- Lance Pleumele
- Large
- Lady Palm
- Laurel-leaved greenbrier
- Leather peperomia
- Leng-fen tu'an
- Leopard lily
- Leopard orchid
- Lesser snapdragon
- Lily of the valley orchid
- Linden
- Lipstick plant
- Little zebra plant
- Little fantasy peperomia
- Living rock cactus
- Living stones
- Locust pods
- Lou-lang-t'ou
- Luther
- Madagascar jasmine
- Magnolia bush
- Mahonia aquifolium
- Malabar gourd
- Malaysian dracaema
- Manila palm
- Mapleleaf begonia
- Maranta
- Marbled fingernail
- Mariposa lily
- Maroon
- Mary-bud
- Measles plant
- Melons
- Metallic peperomia
- Metallic leaf begonia
- Mexican firecracker
- Mexican rosettes
- Mexican snowballs
- Miniature date palm
- Minature fish tail
- Minature maranta
- Minature marble plant
- Mistletoe cactus
- Mockernut hickory
- Mosaic plant
- Mosiac vase
- Moss agate
- Moss campion
- Moss fern
- Moss phlox
- Moss rose
- Mossy campion
- Mother fern
- Mother spleenwort
- Mother of pearl
- Mountain camellia
- Mountain grape
- Mulberry bush greenbrier
- Mulberry tree
- Musa paradisiaca
- Muscari armeniacum
- Muscari spp.
- Muskmellon
- Narrow leafed pleomele
- Natal plum
- Neanthe bella palm
- Nematanthus spp.
- Neanthebella
- Neoregelia
- Nephrolepsis
- Nerve plant
- New silver and bronze
- Night blooming cereus
- Odontoglossum spp.
- Old man cactus
- Old world orchid
- Orange star
- Oregon grape
- Ossifragi vase
- Paddys wig
- Painted lady
- Palm lily
- Pampus grass
- Panamiga
- Pansy orchid
- Paradise palm
- Parlor palm
- Parlor plant
- Parsley fern
- Peace begonia
- Peacock plant
- Pearl plant
- Pearly dots
- Peperomia hederifolia
- Peperomia peltifolia
- Peperomia rotundifolia
- Peperomia sandersii
- Pepper face
- Persian violet
- Pheasant plant
- Piggy back plant
- Pigmy date palm
- Pignut
- Pignut hickory
- Pilea microphylla
- Pilea mucosa
- Pink Brocade
- Pink Pearl
- Pink polka dot plant
- Pink starlite
- Pirliteiro
- Pitaya
- Plantanus orientalis
- Plantanus occidentalis
- Platinum peperomia
- Platycerium alicicorne
- Plumbago larpentiae
- Plush plant
- Polka dot plant
- Polystichum falcatum
- Pony tail
- Porcelain flower
- Pot marigold
- Prairie lily
- Prairie snowball
- Prayer plant
- Prickly bottlebrush
- Prostrate coleus
- Purple baby tears
- Purple passion vine
- Purple waffle plant
- Purpleosier willow
- Queen's spiderwort
- Queencup
- Queens spiderwort
- Queensland arrowroot
- Rabbits foot fern
- Rainbow orchid
- Red african violet
- Red berried greenbrier
- Red edge peperomia
- Red hawthorne
- Red palm lily
- Red veined prayer
- Reed palm
- Resurrection lily
- Rex begonia
- Rhynchophorum
- Ribbon plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
- Roosevelt fern
- Royal velvet plant
- Rubber plant, baby
- Russian olive
- Saffron spike zebra
- Saint Bernards lily
- Sand lily
- Sand verbena
- Satin pellionia
- Sawbrier
- Scabious
- Scarborough lily
- Scarlet orchid
- Scarlet sage
- Sego lily
- Shagbark hickory
- Shan ku'ei-lai
- Shellbark hickory
- Shiny leaf smilax
- Shrimp cactus
- Silver bell
- Silver berry
- Silver heart
- Silver-leaf peperomia
- Silver nerve plant
- Silver pink vine
- Silver star
- Silver table fern
- Silver tree anamiga
- Slender deutzia
- Small fruited hickory
- Smilax tamnoides vas
- Speckled wood lily
- Spice orchid
- Spider ivy
- Spider plant
- Spotted laurel
- Squarenut
- Squirrels foot fern
- Star jasmine
- Star lily
- Star plant
- Star tulip
- Star window plant
- Strawberry
- Striped blushing
- Sugar pods
- Sulfur flower
- Summer hyacinth
- Swedish ivy
- Sweetheart hoya
- Sweetheart peperomia
- Sweet william
- Sword fern
- Tahitian bridal veil
- Tailed orchid
- Tall feather fern
- Tall mahonia
- Teasel gourd
- Texas sage
- Thea japonica
- Thimble cactus
- Thorn apple (Carateagus oxyacanth)
- Ti hu-ling
- Tiger orchid
- Toad spotted cactus
- Torch lily
- Tous-les-mois
- Trailing peperomia
- Tree cactus
- Tree gloxinia
- Tropical moss
- True cantalope
- Tu fu-ling
- Tulip poplar
- Tulip tree
- Turban squash
- Turf lily
- Umbrella plant
- Urbinia agavoides
- Usambara violet
- Variegated laurel
- Variegated oval leaf peperomia
- Variegated philodendron leaf
- Variegated wandering jew
- Variegated wax plant
- Velvet plant
- Venus fly trap
- Verona fern
- Verona lace fern
- Vining peperomia
- Violet slipper gloxinia
- Waffle plant
- Walking anthericum
- Washington hawthorn
- Water hickory
- Watermelon begonia
- Watermelon peperomia
- Watermelon pilea
- Wax plant
- Wax rosette
- Weeping bottlebrush
- Weeping sergeant hemlock
- Weisdornbluten
- West indian gherkin
- Western sword
- White ginger
- White edged swedish ivy
- White heart hickory
- Whitman fern
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild hyacinth
- Wild lantana
- Wild sarsaparilla
- Wild strawberry
- Willow herb
- Windmill palm
- Winter cattleya
- Withered snapdragon
- Woolflower
- Yellow bloodleaf
- Yellow-flowered gourd
- Yerba linda
- Zebra haworthia
- Zebra plant
- Zinnia sp.
- Zucchini squash