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by Nina Anderson and Howard Peiper
Our lifestyles tend to make many of us hate bugs. We will do almost anything to rid our homes
and yards of these creatures, whether they are beneficial or not. Unfortunately, we do not realize the toll on
our health and our pets' health from all these toxic substances. Pesticides used to control weeds, insects
(especially fleas and ticks), termites, rodents and fungi are sold as sprays, liquids, sticks, powder, crystals, balls and foggers. There are more than 34,000 pesticides in use
and they are the number two cause of human household poisonings in the
Approximately 91 percent of all American households apply a total of 300 million pounds of pesticides annually. Most are insoluble in water - which means they stay around a long time - and can poison your cat or dog. Toxic weed killers, including lawn treatments, should never be used by pet owners whose animals can come in contact with the contaminated areas. In addition, pets may be affected by drinking water into which the pesticides have leached, although it is often difficult to determine the cause. DDT, Chlordane and Lindane are some common names for potential killers. They may remain in the air and on the ground. Contaminated animals can exhibit foaming of the mouth, irritability, increased respiratory rate and even seizures. If proper treatment is not administered, the animal can die.
Cats and dogs are not immune to insect sprays. They can be affected either from direct contact with the pesticide or through ingestion of contaminated food. The chemicals in pesticides are fat soluble and are stored in the fatty tissues, primarily the liver, and in the nervous systems. As they accumulate over time, they cause problems with the nerves, hormones and immune system.
Birds affected by household spray insecticides containing chlorinated
hydrocarbons can become ill within 48 hours.
Strychnine, used in pesticides, is especially lethal for dogs and
cats. Signs of poisoning, such as
apprehension and stiffness, can appear within minutes of ingestion. Convulsions
develop as the poison spreads, with respiratory arrest causing death. Arsenic, which is used in insecticides,
herbicides, ant poisons, snail bait, paints and some drugs
can cause acute poisoning. Cats can
exhibit symptoms within 30 minutes of ingesting larger doses and can die within
seven hours. Birds show signs of ruffled
feathers, drooping wings, anorexia, and regurgitation.
(from chrysanthemum flowers) is a non-toxic insecticide and is used as a flea
repellent. Safe in its natural state,
reactions are normally limited to salivation because of its bitter taste,
although it can be harmful to frogs and reptiles. Many products contain chemical additives that
are dangerous and can cause problems for dogs and cats. Be careful when buying pyrethrins and only
use natural safe pyrethrum powders.
Rotenone, touted as semi-toxic, is derived from the derris plant. If ingested by a cat, it may cause nausea and
vomiting, and in the long term can promote liver damage.
Non-toxic pest control is available and can
be quite effective. As plants become stronger, they become less susceptible to
disease. Here are some additional tips:
All people hate fleas and will do anything
to keep them away. Most chemical flea collars come with explicit warnings about
their toxicity. There are non-hazardous flea collars and shampoos that use
pennyroyal, eucalyptus, cedar and citronella as "insecticides."
You can also sprinkle nutritional yeast in
your pet's dish once a day and behold... no more fleas. It seems the
ingredients in yeast causes a certain odor to be produced in the skin. This
makes the pet unappetizing to fleas and ticks. Garlic and sulfur (a key mineral
element) can do the same, causing a reaction which emits hydrogen sulfide on
the surface of the skin, making it unappetizing to fleas.
pets are unsuspecting victims of potential pesticide poisoning from the very
people whom they trust. Please be conscious about using bug killers and choose
more environmentally friendly methods. It may save your pet's life.
Nina Anderson & Howard
Peiper are authors of “Are You Poisoning Your Pets?”,
which describes household hazards to your pet and gives solutions and methods
that can bolster the immune system of your animal family member. Available through bookstores or by calling
(800) 903-3837