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Information on Toxics in Everyday Life
Providing Healthier Alternatives)
In the
Swim of Things
How to avoid the enviro nasties that lurk in pools
29 Jul 2003
Let water sit around
for 24 hours -- stagnating in an old tire, say, or in a birdbath in the
backyard -- and some pretty nasty things can start breeding in it. After Mt.
St. Helen's erupted in Washington State in 1980, newly formed oxygen-deprived
pools became breeding grounds for Legionnaires' disease. Then there's cholera,
typhoid, dysentery, and other illnesses that can be contracted from untreated bathing
and drinking water. Yet, while swimming in a bacteria- and pathogen-filled pool
poses clear health threats, chlorine is not a risk-free solution.
Some very
harmful substances -- dioxins and furans, for example, and also trihalomethanes -- can form when chlorine products come in
contact with carbon-containing organic matter, such as leaves and dirt. Dioxins
and furans are extremely toxic and are among the "dirty dozen"
chemicals targeted for elimination in the 2001 Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants. Some studies suggest that trihalomethanes,
which include the carcinogen chloroform, may cause miscarriages, birth defects,
and bladder and rectal cancers.
Both chlorine and chloroform may be found in chlorinated pools and can be
inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Too much chlorine in a pool also can
cause skin irritation, eye irritation, and both short and longer-term
respiratory problems, such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and
"swimmer's asthma." In fact, in a study published this June in the Journal
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Belgian researchers found that
young swimmers had high levels of proteins that destroy cellular barriers in
the lungs, making them more susceptible to the allergens that can cause asthma
attacks. The trigger for these proteins seems to be nitrogen trichloride, a gas released during the interaction between
chlorine and ammonia or ammonium compounds from urine, sweat, and other organic
More disturbing still, the researchers found
that the children who swam most frequently had levels of these proteins similar
to those found in regular smokers. The study concluded that regular swimming in
chlorinated pools by young children resulted in an increased risk of developing
asthma. The authors also suspect a link to the rising incidence of childhood
asthma and allergic diseases found in industrialized nations.
But folks concerned about their health needn't abandon swimming altogether.
Here are some suggestions for healthier pool maintenance and safer swimming
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