Entrant:  BM


 A.  I worked with Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts this summer, creating a new vegetable garden in Warwick behind St. Clement Church.  This garden is organic because no chemical fertilizers or pesticides were used, only compost.  We used the no-till method to create the garden plots and paths.  By avoiding using a rototiller, no gasoline was burned. Also, by mulching the paths with wood chips we reduced the amount of grass mowing;  again, no gasoline burned.


B,  All summer, scouts and adults have watered, weeded and harvested many pounds of fresh vegetables, which we donated to a local food pantry.  What used to be a field (which required regular mowing by the City of (omitted) is now a beautiful, productive, organic flower and vegetable garden where only a small area of grass paths need to be mowed.

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